Ace Header BRZ FR-S GT86 Right Hand Drive Header

Ace Header BRZ FR-S GT86 Right Hand Drive Header
Ace Header wants to give some updates on our new Right-Hand-Drive (RHD) version of the Type A 350.

We’ve been in development for the past few months since some of our Australian, Japanese and UK racers have been asking for more torque output from the Ace Header.
Currently, the Type A or Type B 250 is the maximum for these racers because of the steering box and cross member locations on RHD BRZ FR-S GT86 cars.
We’re planning on getting some more prototypes built by early January 2016 and will have some testing done by renown speed house- Abbey Motorsports in the UK. They will be testing with an NA and then possibly the newly released Harrop Supercharger as well.

Results are soon to follow but stay posted for the latest information and data to see if this new BRZ FR-S GT86 RHD header from Ace can top our own record of over 200+ Horsepower and no torque dip!

ace header e-force brz supercharge-